Friday, 30 September 2011

Japanese Subtitles on Tudou

Hiya, sorry i haven't written in so long!!! I'll try to catch up on some of the stuff i've been watching soonish.

But i thought i'd write a note in case some of you didn't notice... lots of the dramas from this last season have been uploaded onto Tudou with Japanese subtitles!!! (as well as chinese). You can usually find them by going to Tudou and typing the name of the program in romaji... it really is helpful for picking up any words you didn't know, or missed, so it's great!!! :)

In case i don't get to catch up before i move on to watching other stuff & forget about it, the dramas from this season i enjoyed were 絶対零度 season 2, Don Quioxte, and 男でも女でもない性. That's pretty much in order from hardest to easiest, with 男でも女でもない性 being very easy. Anyway, check out summaries if you're interested... :)

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