Tuesday, 15 November 2011


Difficulty Level: 2

If you've been to those "sells everything you never imagined" shops in Japan and loved it, you'll love this!!!

Yeahhh!!! Inventions!!!

They're short programs about inventions. Some are truly interesting and innovative, i found the program from this: http://youtu.be/2RK_rl6oXfo
Which is just, amazing!!! Others are more everyday life inventions.
If you REALLY love トレたま, you can find older ones by googling. :)

The language isn't so difficult, and since they're describing what you're seeing, you should be able to pick a few words up from it too. :)


  1. Wow, some of those inventions are pretty cool!

  2. I love this show, thanks for sending the link to watch segments online
