Wednesday 11 May 2011


it's been ages, hasn't it?!? Sorry!!!

Anyway, there's one thing i've been thinking about, and that's the rankings... i'm finding it harder to rank stuff a lot. Especially now i'm reviewing more than one type of thing. The language in all of them is different. For instance, how does a news show compare to an easy lecture? Is this lecture easy, or is it that i've learnt the language involved? Should this show be marked B or B/I... there are tons of very simple common phrases, but would i once have marked it B/I because i didn't know them all?

Also, it seems like some people were using the rankings like, they should be watching something that is "B", even if they didn't like the show. That's really not what i intended with them, it was more like a guideline of what you can watch to extend yourself in certain areas, or just to feel good about how much you understand...

Anyway, because of this, i think i'm gonna stop ranking them, unless a lot of people really want the rankings. I'll still talk about the types of language you can expect to hear and whether i think it's difficult and stuff...

If you do really like the rankings, maybe i can come up with a different ranking system that will be easier for me to work with...

Whatdya think?


  1. Glad to see you're back!

    I like the rating system, but I guess it could be more detailed. Maybe something like the trigger warnings before TV shows, e.g "This show contains Yakuza slang, old-style Japanese, Kansai-dialect, and medical jargon." People are usually more familiar with some types of non-standard speech than others, depending on what they like to watch.

  2. thanks for the input!! ok, yeah, i'll do that!!!

    i think i'll do a 1-3 ranking of easyness for each type of show along with that as well, where a 1 in drama doesn't necessarily equate to a 1 in documentary, for example... that way, it's just like, this is easier / harder than the average (film / news program / anime etc). That should be less difficult to think about, and less prone to misuse, hopefully...

    nowww... to start catching up a bit... hmmm where should i start?!? hahah

  3. That's a great idea! That way you're not comparing apples and oranges, each show is ranked next to shows of the same type. ^^
